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Self Management Courses

Please note all our courses are being sent out via video links

Recovery & Beyond Courses

These courses are designed to address all the common challenges faced by many people on a day-to-day basis. The aim is to help participants within a group format make changes to their lives in a planned and achievable way. With each course, sessions build on the previous one with exercises given at the end for the participants/group to reflect upon the following week.

In this way, each person is encouraged to put the learned skills into practice whilst being accountable, not only to themselves but also to the rest of the group. Each person remains in control and is responsible for themselves at all times.

The course aims to assist individuals to use anger in a positive way. Each week the course will build on the previous sessions and participants are asked to reflect upon the course. Each person is encouraged to put learned skills into practice.

What the individual will learn on this course:

  • General concepts relating to anger.
  • To reflect how different situations can make you feel angry.
  • To reflect on how our beliefs and moods affect us.
  • To discuss triggers of anger and reflect on their emotional needs.
  • To identify unhelpful and helpful aspects of thinking.
  • To problem solve situations regarding anger.
  • To develop skills to relax.

This course addresses all the common challenges faced during times of low mood. The aim is to help you to make changes to your life in a planned and achievable way.

What the individual will learn on this course:

  • Symptoms of depression and discovering why you feel as you do
  • Developing relaxation techniques
  • About unhelpful & positive thinking
  • Dealing with worry
  • Taking part in life and activities
  • Developing problem solving skills
  • Communication and assertiveness skills
  • Leading a healthy life style
  • Discovering how to sleep better
  • Planning for the future

This course is designed as a self-help method which, once learned, provides each person with the tools to gain control over and manage anxiety for the rest of their life. Results can be quickly achieved for some individuals with progress made within weeks.

What the individual will learn on this course:

  • Relax and bring your bodily feelings under control
  • Controlling distressing thoughts and faulty thinking
  • Face your fears
  • Assertiveness
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Communicating effectively
  • Time management
  • How to maintain a positive attitude

How to Book

This course is for people who live in Newport and have problems with their mental health.

To enrol on a course please contact Newport Mind on